Jan 30, 2020
Three souls are met by the Heavenly Tribunal as they approach the gates of Paradise: a learned rabbi, a pious man, and a tavern keeper. Each one makes their case as to why they should enter Paradise, but who among them instantly earns the Tribunal's favor?
Jan 23, 2020
This week, Rabbi Simcha Bob tells the story of a woman who catches and sells birds for a living. One day, she comes across a beautiful bird who can speak and even promises her 3 pieces of wisdom if she releases him. Through this story. Rabbi Bob compels us to think about how well we listen to the advice of others...
Jan 16, 2020
We’ve all had days when we have so many things to do, but we just want to stay in bed and put our tasks off for later. This week, Rabbi Leora Kaye tells a story about a rabbi who faced that very same temptation head-on, showing us how we too can push through our temptation and “get up and go early.”
Jan 9, 2020
In the early 1900s, an elderly Jewish man named Shmulik prays at his synagogue on Yom Kippur. He suddenly faints, only for a fellow congregant to offer him his kittel (traditional ritual garb) to keep him warm. The grandson of that congregant, Rabbi Jonathan Biatch, reflects on this story and how it connects to being...