Aug 31, 2017
Just at the end of creation, God decides to bring the angels together for the best concert anyone has ever seen. The ten best musicians of every instrument are assembled, but for some reason, there is only one best triangle player. That’s a lot of pressure for just one musician – can they live up to it? Find out in...
Aug 24, 2017
In a town in Eastern Europe many years ago, all of the clocks mysteriously stopped working at the same time. The townspeople tried many different methods, but after years they still couldn’t get the clocks to work again. So, what happens when a clock expert visits the town? Listen to this story, retold by Rabbi Marc...
Aug 17, 2017
Cantor Ellen Dreskin retells the story of a man who is so excited to have his rabbi over for Shabbat dinner. He and his family prepare for three days, but when they finally sit down for dinner and begin the Shabbat blessings, they discover that they forgot to put a cover on the challah. Find out what happens next, and...
Aug 3, 2017
When a father falls on hard times, he worries that he won’t be able to bring his family their weekly Shabbat gift. While he does end up giving them a gift, it’s one that even surprises him. This story is inspired by Midrash Mishlei (Proverbs) 13:20 and told by Rabbi Leora Kaye, Director of Program at the URJ.