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May 28, 2020

There was a young man who wanted to learn the secret of happiness. He sought out the advice of a wise man, who was too busy to talk with him at that moment but gave him a task: walk around and carry a spoon with two drops of oil and be careful to not let them spill. Listen to find out how this seemingly...

May 21, 2020

Who determines who you are? Is it the environment in which you’re raised, or is it what’s been inside of you your whole life? This week, we hear a story from Rabbi Rachel Greengrass of Temple Beth Am (Pinecrest, FL) about an eagle who thought she was a chicken, which asks us to think to when we had to determine who...

May 14, 2020

Is there someone in your life with whom you can share a thousand words without saying anything at all? Has there been a time, maybe in recent weeks, when all you needed was someone to just “be there” for you, or when someone needed you to just “be there” for them? This week, we hear a story from Rabbi Sari...

May 7, 2020

Food is such an important part of Jewish history and culture, and for many of us, there’s nothing quite like the food our grandparents made for us as children. This week, author and puppeteer Marilyn Price tells the story of a king who wants nothing more than to taste the challah his grandmother used to make...