Oct 31, 2019
Joseph, on his way to a new town, meets a beggar on the train. His beard is tangled, his clothing is tattered, and he appears to be dirty. When the beggar speaks to Joseph, Joseph responds that they probably shouldn’t speak to each other until they arrive at their destination. What happens next? Listen to this story,...
Oct 17, 2019
Every year Moshe begs his father for an etrog, and every year, his father says they can’t afford it, until one special Sukkot when they scrimp and save and finally bring home an etrog. But what happens when Moshe can’t resist the pitom and Boris the Beet Borscht Baron from Belarus with very strong hands comes to...
Oct 10, 2019
Once upon a time a king fell seriously ill, and nobody could figure out how to cure his ailment. Finally, a healer suggested a remedy: if the king could wear the shirt of a person who was absolutely happy, he would be healed. So, a team set out to find a person who was absolutely happy. Did they succeed? Shira...
Oct 3, 2019
When a scholar boards a ship with a group of merchants, the merchants are confused. What does a scholar have to sell that could compete with their radiant perfume and beautiful scarves? When pirates storm the ship, they find out in this story retold by Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism. You...