Feb 28, 2019
The Torah always written on a scroll. Why is that? Why isn't it written in the sky or on the trees for everyone to see an admire? It turns out that the scroll is the perfect shape for one special reason.
Feb 21, 2019
Sometimes, it takes time to understand. In this story, two brothers learn how time is necessary to a farmer's work. Was there ever a time you needed to let something grow in order to see what it might turn into?
Feb 14, 2019
There was once a little boy who really disliked school, and wouldn't learn. But one thing changed his life - and his heart - forever. Have you ever had a pivotal life-changing moment?
Feb 7, 2019
There was once a group of friends who were very close. But as they grew up, each went their separate ways. They came together for one last time, and they learned that alone, they can be easily broken; but bundled together, they are stronger than they ever were alone.