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Jul 26, 2018

Abu Kasim was a seller of rags, and day after day he would drudge through the streets begging people to buy something. One day, after sharing some bread with a beggar on the street, a beautiful woman gave him a gorgeous pair of slippers that just happened to fit him perfectly! Suddenly, Abu Kasim is selling his rags...

Jul 19, 2018

Yankel is hurrying home through the forest, carrying all of the earnings from the big sale he just made. When a robber jumps out from behind a tree and demands Yankel’s money, he comes up with a clever plan to escape the robber and keep his earnings – does it work? Rabbi Mark Kaiserman retells the story. For a...

Jul 12, 2018

Two villagers were engaged in a friendly argument: do people grow from the feet up or the head down? After days of being unable to come to an agreement, they take their question to the rabbi. How do people grow? Lisa Langer, Associate Director of Congregational Innovation at the Union for Reform Judaism retells the...

Jul 5, 2018

It’s time for the princess to get married, and the king and queen want to make sure that she marries her best match. There are three brothers in the running, and in order to decide which one will marry the princess, the king and queen set up a contest: the brother who gives the princess the greatest gift will become...